I will likely wind up getting a Tom's mini filter too but for now, it's between the three.
But turns out that the height of my older tank (I think I got this in the late 90's or possibly the early 00's ... it's been a while so not exactly sure. lol)might be playing against me as I think it's shorter than the tanks today - and the rim is very old school, so it has a width issue that the filters today for smaller do not seem to take into account.
I'm not willing to de-rim this tank, I don't think that look would work well for this one, and I like the retro look for it to be honest. I can just buy a modern de-rimmed tank later on for that style fix, after all! LOL!
So due to the height and rim issue, it ruled out the i25 for this tank (no worries though, I'm sure that I will wind up using it in some other tank someday in the future knowing me LOL) and I guess that I will try the Slim S10 and see how that fares.
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